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Conditional Run After

Posted: 29 Mar 2006, 15:39
by smgriggs
Quoting from a prior post
"I would also like the 'Run After' command to be conditional, based on upload success or failure. I'm using it to hibernate the computer (via a command line program), but I don't want this to happen if something went wrong. It could also be used to delete the source files only if the transfer was succesful. "
This is exactly why I was here at the support forum looking for a way to have a conditional run after command.

I am trying to set a flag to an external file to be used in an external app that will be set to true if the FTP transfer for last night was successfull. Any suggestions?

Posted: 30 Mar 2006, 10:11
by support
Just create new task with flag (Main option panel) "Execute only To do after/before.." and on the Shedule panel choose "After executing the task X" = Your existing task and choose "When the task success". That's all. If your FTP task was successed then this new task is executed.