lounching APFill from VBA
Posted: 18 Feb 2019, 07:10
I am trying to lounch APFill from VBA code and I have no success so far.
My code is generating a pdf file in current directory and I want to start APFill to process that pdf and generate a text result in the file: fisier_txt.
Dim apfill_exe As String
Dim Path As String
Dim fisier As String
Dim fisier_txt As String
Path = ActiveDocument.FilePath
fisier = Left$(ActiveDocument.FileName, Len(ActiveDocument.FileName) - 4) & ".pdf"
fisier_txt = Left$(ActiveDocument.FileName, Len(ActiveDocument.FileName) - 4) & ".txt"
apfill_exe = "c:\Program Files\APFill\APFill.exe -r150 -noprogress"
this line I cannot make to work:
Call Shell(Environ$("COMSPEC") & " /c " & apfill_exe & Path + "\" + fisier & fisier_txt, vbNormalFocus)
Please help
I am trying to lounch APFill from VBA code and I have no success so far.
My code is generating a pdf file in current directory and I want to start APFill to process that pdf and generate a text result in the file: fisier_txt.
Dim apfill_exe As String
Dim Path As String
Dim fisier As String
Dim fisier_txt As String
Path = ActiveDocument.FilePath
fisier = Left$(ActiveDocument.FileName, Len(ActiveDocument.FileName) - 4) & ".pdf"
fisier_txt = Left$(ActiveDocument.FileName, Len(ActiveDocument.FileName) - 4) & ".txt"
apfill_exe = "c:\Program Files\APFill\APFill.exe -r150 -noprogress"
this line I cannot make to work:
Call Shell(Environ$("COMSPEC") & " /c " & apfill_exe & Path + "\" + fisier & fisier_txt, vbNormalFocus)
Please help