TimeToPhoto 2.8 has been released.
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APFill Ink Coverage Calculator: Which version of GhostScript to use?
UPD [07.05.2018]: The new release of APFill 6.0 allows to use any AGPL GhostScript version from 9.07 to the latest at this moment 9.23. The base version installed by default in APFill 6.0 is AGPL GhostScript 9.20 version.
APFill uses the GhostScript 9.XX library for processing PDF, PS and EPS files. When APFill is used on a 64-bit operating system, you need to install a 64-bit version of GhostScript. If the GhostScript library is not installed in the system, APFill will show a corresponding warning at program start and will suggest downloading the latest version of GhostScript that the program is compatible with. At the moment, this is version 9.10.
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New version of APFill 5.8
We released a new version of APFill 5.8, an ink and toner coverage calculation tool.
In this version:
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New version of TimeToPhoto 2.7
TimeToPhoto 2.7 has been released.
New version of APFill 5.7
We released a new version of APFill 5.7, an ink and toner coverage calculation tool.
In this version:
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New version of APFill 5.6
We released a new version of APFill 5.6, an ink and toner coverage calculation tool.
In this version:
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Using MS Excel templates in APFill for processing results.
APFill 5.6 allows users to use MS Excel files as templates for processing the results of document coverage measurements.
Continue reading ‘Using MS Excel templates in APFill for processing results.’ »
New version of APBackup 3.8
A new version of APBackup 3.8 has been released:
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New version of Universal Desktop Ruler 3.6
A new version of Universal Desktop Ruler 3.6, a program for measuring on-screen objects, has been released
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Additional backup folders.
Once the main backup file has been created, APBackup enables you to save it to 3 additional folders (on a local disk, on a portable drive and in a network location) and upload it to an FTP server (in this case, the server acts as the fourth additional folder).
You can specify unique file names using a date stamp and the nesting depth of the backup files for each of the additional folders (3+FTP folder). This allows you to implement flexible backup storage scenarios – for instance, a current backup file and monthly backups.
Continue reading ‘Additional backup folders.’ »