I did a test example whereby I printed a single page MS Word memo to a postscript file. When I used APFill to read the .ps file the coverage was 3%. I got the same result in both 600dpi printout (read-back into APFill at 300dpi) and 300dpi printout (read back into APFill at 300dpi).
Then, I printed hardcopy of the memo, and physically scanned it back to my desktop as an image file. Using a image viewer, and fitting the page to my 15" screen, I used APFill to again measure the page coverage. This time it was 10% (11% for the document printed and scanned back at 600dpi)
Which is the more correct coverage; 3% or 10%?
I did a similar experiment with an 8 1/2 x 14" legal sized document and got a 5% variance.
Any insights would be greatly appreciated.