APFill Ink Coverage Meter User's Guide.
Download APFill Ink Coverage Calculator 6.4 (32-bit and 64-bit version)
GPL Ghostscript 10.04.0 (64-bit) library (Required for CMYK coverage calculation)
GPL Ghostscript 10.04.0 (32-bit) library (Required for CMYK coverage calculation)
Download APFill User's Guide in PDF format (702.08Kb)
What is APFill?
Ink/toner consumption is usually described by printer vendors as the
number of A4 pages with 5% filling (normal text), which can be printed
using one cartridge. APFill Ink Coverage Meter helps you measure the
ink/toner coverage density of the page before printing. APFill Printing Cost Calculator helps to Calculate Your Cost of Printing. Thus, APFill Ink
Coverage Meter allows you to estimate the approximate cost of one imprint.
This is especially important for large print houses, which print large
circulations/editions. Using this software in a print house allows you, for
example, to apply the pricing matrix according to ink coverage, which, in
turn, allows you to attract clients by offering a lower price.
Key features:
- Measure the color coverage of every page or average document coverage of a PostScript or PDF file (*.ps, *.pdf) with CMYK separation (up to 8 color spots). To use this feature, you will also need to install GPL Ghostscript 10.04.0 for Win32 or Win64.
- Measure the color coverage for raster formats (TIFF including multipage, JPG, BMP).
- Measure the color coverage of the highlighted screen area.
Visit our site: http://avpsoft.com to download the latest version of APFill.
Measuring Ink Coverage
How to measure ink coverage of a selected area of screen (RGB
APFill allows you to measure color density (ink and toner coverage calculator, offset ink coverage calculator). In this
case you can estimate the color density irrespective of the graphic editor
used to create your documents (Photoshop, Corel Draw, Word ...). All you
need is to fit preview the page on the desktop and use APFill to measure the
color density of this area of the screen (for RGB coverage only). However, if
you want to measure your document more accurately or in the CMYK format,
APFill allows you to measure PostScript files.
You should use the "Coverage ratio (screen)" menu item to measure the
color density of the selected area of the screen:
Select an area of the screen. Then you can use auto page selection (just
press "Fit to Page") or leave the area without changes (just press "As is").
Then you will see the "Results of measurement" dialog.
In this window APFill displays the results of measurement in different color
systems and in grayscale.
Color density measurement of PostScript or PDF files (CMYK
APFill can measure the coverage ratio of PS/PDF files. APFill requires
GPL Ghostscript 10.04.0 to be installed to be able to process PS/PDF files. To start
measuring, please click "Coverage ratio (PS/PDF)" and select a PS/PDF file
for which you wish to measure the coverage ratio.
You will see the color separation choice window. If the file contains
additional color spots, APFill can convert the file (the original file will not be
changed) to CMYK without additional spots or leave it without changes.
APFill supports up to 8 color spots (CMYK + 4 additional color spots).
Converting to CMYK is necessary if your printer has CMYK cartridges only
and you need to know the filling information specifically for CMYK.
The file will be opened in the file preview window.
The following configuration parameters are available:
- "Resolution" (Choose a resolution in which the PS/PDF file should be
displayed and measured. The higher the resolution, the more accurate
the measurement result is).
- "Choose page" (Choose a page, for which you would like to measure
the coverage ratio (for multi-pages PS/PDF files))
- You can select specific CMYK colors to measure or measure the whole
page in RGB.
- "Calculate" (measure the coverage rate of the current page and
display the results)
- "Calculate all pages" (measure the coverage rate of the whole
document and display the results)
- "Default page size" - this parameter defines the page size if a PS/PDF
file does not contain specific page size values. If the file contains page
size information, APFill will use it for displaying and measuring the
- "Close" (close the PS/PDF file view window)
Results of color density measurements
While measuring coverage, APFill can produce three types of results.
Result values for selected and measured color spots
If the "Calculate" button is pressed in the PS/PDF file measurement mode
and a specific color spot is selected,
APFill measures only this color spot of the current page and shows the
results in the following window:
In this case:
PAGE TOTAL COVERAGE DENSITY shows page filling according to this color
spot with regard to intensity.
IT IS EQUIVALENT TO (5% PAGES): Shows to how many standard pages
with 5% coverage this color spot coverage equals to.
"COMMON COVERAGE RATIO": This is the percent of all pixels other than
white in the selected area. Example: if the rate is 80%, this means that 80%
of the page will be covered with ink and 20% will remain blank. Attention:
this parameter takes no account of pixel intensity, i.e. in this case only the
coverage area is considered. That is why COMMON COVERAGE RATIO is
always greater than PAGE TOTAL COVERAGE DENSITY and will equal to it
only if the whole area is filled with 100% color intensity.
"INTENSITY": This table shows the proportion of pixels with various intensity
in the filled area.
For example: if the COMMON COVERAGE RATIO is 49%, and intensity from
21% to 30% is 66%, this means that 49% of all pixels in the area are
colored with some color, 66% of this 49% are the pixels with the intensity of
Result values for measuring the whole PS/PDF document
It is possible to measure the whole document at once in the PS/PSD file
measurement mode by pressing the "Calculate all pages" button.
In this case APFill calculates coverage for all spots on every page considering
pixel intensity (i.e. the PAGE TOTAL COVERAGE DENSITY value for each
color spot is measured) and the average coverage for the document
("AVERAGE" row). Therefore, in order to calculate the overall document
coverage, you need to multiply AVERAGE results by the number of pages in
the document. When "Copy to clipboard" is pressed, the results are copied to
the clipboard and can be easily inserted to an Excel sheet for further analysis
and calculations.
Result values for measuring full PS/PDF pages (RGB mode) or parts of the screen.
Results in the PS/PDF file measurement mode, if the viewing
mode is selected and the "Calculate" button is pressed; or when only part of
the screen is measured.
In this mode APFill measures RGB filling for the current page (CMYK filling
on the CMYK tab is shown only in the PS/PDF file measurement mode) and
produces the following results:
Attention: when you are using this mode, all parameters are apply to RGB
coverage only (except for the CMYK panel); if your need CMYK coverage
only, you should only pay attention to the CMYK tab or use the covergae
measurement by color mode. You can also use the "CALCULATE ALL PAGES"
mode for measuring CMYK coverage. You will need the results in the RGB
format if you are using a black-and-white or RGB printer.
The "Copy to Clipboard" button copies the results (in a table form) to the
clipboard, thus making it easy to import them to Excel. We recommend you
to create an Excel document with formulas, which allow you to estimate the
cost of an imprint according to the coverage density result, paper size, paper
sheet thickness, circulation, and so on. Thus, you can get the final cost of
the imprint right after copying the results to Excel.
In this mode:
PAGE TOTAL COVERAGE DENSITY indicates page coverage considering
intensity (RGB). This value corresponds to the 5% ink coverage value
usually specified in printer manuals. The result can be presented as
following: the whole page is converted to the black-and-white format and
ink is evenly distributed on the page; get the page evenly filled with gray
color of the specified intensity (from 0% to 100%).
IT IS EQUIVALENT TO (5% PAGES): displays the number of standard 5%
pages to which your layout sheet is equivalent. That is, when "Page total
coverage density" equals 10%, this means the printer will use the amount of
ink/toner sufficient to print two pages with the standard 5% coverage
"COMMON COVERAGE RATIO": This is the percent of all pixels other than
white in the selected area. Example: if the rate is 80%, this means that 80%
of the page will be covered with ink and 20% will remain blank. Attention:
this parameter does not take account of the pixel intensity, i.e. in this case
only the coverage area is considered. That is why the COMMON COVERAGE
RATIO is always greater than PAGE TOTAL COVERAGE DENSITY and will
equal to it only if the whole area is filled with 100% color intensity.
Besides these standard coverage values, APFill also calculates more specific
and informative coverage characteristics. This, in turn, allows you to reduce
ink/toner consumption.
Coverage density results are presented in various color systems.
The following tabs are available:
The table shows the proportion of pixels with different intensity in the filled
There are the following fields on this tab:
"Color coverage ratio" (all colored pixels ratio of the selected area).
"Color's coverage ratio" (each field shows the rate for pixels colored with the
color of the specified intensity).
For example: if the common coverage rate is 49%, and intensity from 21%
to 30% is 66%, this means that 49% of all pixels in the area are colored
with some color, 66% of this 49% are the pixels with the intensity of 21%-
"B/W coverage ratio" (shows the ratio of all pixels colored with gray in the
selected area).
"Grayscale ratio" (each field shows the ratio of the pixels colored with gray
color of the specified intensity).
For example: if the common coverage rate is 49%, and the 21%-30%
intensity is 66%, this means that 49% of all pixels in area is colored with
gray color, 66% of this 49% are the pixels with the color intensity of 21%-
Color coverage ratio + B/W coverage ratio = common coverage ratio.
On this tab, you can see the measurement results for colored pixels in RGB.
An average value for each of the R, G, B components is provided. On this
tab, you can also see an average RGB color of the selected area. The
average color is calculated on the basis of colored pixels only, i.e. white
pixels are not calculated.
On this tab, you can see measurement results for colored pixels in HSB. An
average value for each H, S, B component is provided. Thus, the average
HSB color is presented on this tab. The average color is calculated on the
basis of colored pixels only, i.e. white pixels are not calculated.
On this tab, you can see the measurement results for colored pixels in LAB.
An average value for each L, A, B component is provided. Thus, an average
LAB color is presented on this tab. An average color is calculated on the
basis of colored pixels only, i.e. white pixels are not calculated.
On this tab, you can see the measurement results for colored pixels in
grayscale system. Every colored pixel is converted to gray and is counted.
An average grayscale is calculated on the basis of colored pixels only, i.e.
white pixels are not calculated. On this tab, you can also see an average
gray color of the selected area. This tab can be useful for those who have
black-and-white printers.
Starting the program in the automatic mode
Starting from version 4.2, APFill can be started in the automatic mode. In
this case you start the program and supply a PS/PDF file. APFill will provide
coverage results for the whole document in a standard CSV file.
apfill.exe coverage -r300 -dA4 -c4 -show -noprogress c:\input.pdf
Example parameters:
-r300 - resolution 300 dpi
-dA4 - default page size A4
-c4 - Convert file to CMYK color space PS file. This parameter is only for PS
files with more than 4 colors
-show - show the coverage result window
-noprogress - doesn't show working progress
-Histogram to get results with intensity histogram for each spot
Also you can call apfill.exe without COVERAGE parameter and without
output file name:
for example:
apfill.exe -r300 c:\input.pdf
apfill.exe c:\input.pdf
In this case apfill creates c:\input.pdf.COVERAGE.txt file with results.
APFill ersion 5.3 supports a new parameter "RGB" to calculate coverage in
RGB mode in auto mode.
For example:
APFill.exe RGB -r300 "c:\Comcostat.pdf"
in this case you get RGB/GRAY coverage results
APFill.exe -r300 "c:\Comcostat.pdf"
in this case you get CMYK coverage results
Additional APFill guides
APFill - How to Estimate a Printer's Cost Per Page.