A: What zip archiver do you use to open these big zip archives? Standart PKZIP format has 2Gb limit to archive file. If archive is bigger than 2Gb APBackup creates it in the new ZIP64 format. Only the latest versions of winzip, winrar, 7-zip can work with this stndart. Old versions don't know this format and say that it is corrupted.Q: I'm having a problem with archiving. Every time I try to archive a particular directory the resulting zip file is corrupt. Is there a limit on the zip file size or number of files that can be archived? The directory maximum size is 15 GB Qand I've tried exclusion filters in the task to get the size down to 8 GB or less, but the zip files are still getting corrupt.
Also the latest version of APBackup 3.5 has "Check zip" feature (backup-Advanched panel). If this option is set APBackup tests complete archive and get task error if it is corrtupted. It takes time to test archive but you sure that archive is ok.