Does it possible to use APFILL program with 7 collar model RGBCMYK?
This colar model is used in the OCE CPS800/900 printer. Perhaps it is possible to recalculate by means of coefficients. Sorry bad English.
In the current version APFill can separate CMYK PS files. But you can separate your 7 colours model in your graphic editor or using Ghostscript for example and then measure each separated PS file with APFill.
Thanks an answer. If possible please info a little bit in details
according to Ghostscript. Does it posible to separate CMYK and then
RGB or CMYK again?
Do you planing APFill version with RGBCMYK
The technique used in this specific device is quite revolutionary. This device has no normal variables used in conventional laser printers (photoconductors, corona’s developer etc) and prints all toners next to each other (vs. 4 transparent layers on top of each other). It uses a monolayer with a maximum coverage of 100%. Therefore, this device has an outstanding colour consistency. ... fault.htm#
The separation in 7 colours not realised using normal ps separations. The postscript interpreter transforms the data into a continuous tone bitmap image in 3 channels. After this, a full resolution (256x256x256) lookup table is used to separate into 7 colours. You have to use this separation to estimate the toner coverage.
support wrote:In the current version APFill can separate CMYK PS files. But you can separate your 7 colours model in your graphic editor or using Ghostscript for example and then measure each separated PS file with APFill.