Update fails with:
11/05/2015 23:00:00:[1001] Task started [3.7.5768-1664]
11/05/2015 23:00:00:[1001] The archiving will be executed - files for archiving are available
11/05/2015 23:00:00:[1001] Task started [3.7.5768-196]
11/05/2015 23:00:00:[1001] The archiving will be executed - files for archiving are available
11/05/2015 23:00:03:[1001] ZIP start: Files=192799 TotalKBBytes=212452773
11/05/2015 23:00:03:[1001] ZIP start: Files=192799 TotalKBBytes=212452773
11/05/2015 23:00:03:[1001][E] Unexpected error. Either source or archive folders are invalid[Cannot open file "C:\S Drive Backup\~1001.zip". The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process (Last processed file: "Rec: E:\drive_S\updateprob.txt" Next file to process: "Rec: E:\drive_S\Utility Monitor.xlsx")]
Note this is after a failed update previously, should I have restarted the PC?
APBackup is the only process which would access the folder does it release all its locks after a failure
It runs as a service
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
Re: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
It seems that you have two APBackup instances - one runs as a service and the second runs in the normal mode. You have start only one APBackup process - service or as a normal application.
Re: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
Thanks, I didn't start the non service process, however it runs OK after a re-start of the PC. I'll keep an eye on it.