I have set the APBackup to run an application before it starts archiving. This application goes to a network resource and deletes old files from there before APBackup starts archiving from the same location.
Although this HAS worked before, and I have no clue what made it stop working, I am now getting a security exception from .NET when the application runs (it's a .NET windows form app).
I have specified the username/password in the task details, this is a domain admin username. So as far as I understand, the application will run under that user context. Furthermore, I have changed the APBackup service to run under the same username, but still that exception gets thrown.
External app is started under the same account as APBackup. Username in the tasks configuration is only for connecting to source and destination folders (if they haven't been connected before start).
Just try to start your app outside of APBackup with RUNAS and account as in APBackup.
The problem with RUNAS is that a password must be specified at the time of running it. The whole idea is that the backup is performed at night when there is no one around...