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APBackUp Office & Home backup solution

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" I have just recently purchased the APFill Ink Coverage Meter and I think the application is cool! I found the application through a Google search for a method to estimate the amount of toner that I could expect to use when printing various documents with a new color laser printer I bought. I'm not in business, but I like to create and print various documents and I help out a couple of non-profi..."

Robert Hayes

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TimeToPhoto FAQ

Q: What is TimeToPhoto for?


A: Most digital cameras don't add datestamps to digital photos. TimeToPhoto helps you see the date and time when you snapped your photos. TimeToPhoto allows you to add datestamps or memory labels to selected photos with one mouse click. Just select the photos with TimeToPhoto and press RUN to get the date to print on all of your selected photos automatically. TimeToPhoto automatically reads the date of the original picture from a file and places the datestamp and/or any text label to your photo


Q: "Error while unpacking program, code LP5. Please report to author." Is it a bug?


A: It's not a bug of our software, actually, it's caused by some CA software such as CA Internet Security Suite. AOL users may also have this problem. AOL users please try following solution: Restore or click on AOL Safety and security. On the left is listed FIREWALL. You click to open Firewall. Then click to open Privacy Wall. On left side of panel is Program permissions- make sure program permission is enabled. Then click on View Program Permissions. After Program permissions load, you need to add the timetophoto.exe (Normally in C:\Program Files\TimeToPhoto\) to this list via New Allowed Application-it has a browser built in so you can find the .exe. Also try to update your Spyware software.


Q: On the working page,what does 'output JPG quality' scale do?


A: When TimeToPhoto is processing JPG file it converts file to bitmap and put label on the photo, then TimeToPhoto saves image into new JPG file (your original JPG file is not changed). The 'Output JPG quality' parameter configures JPG compress quality when it is 100% you get big JPG file with the best quality when it is lower size will be lower but quality will be worse. Photos from digital camera usually have 90-95% compression quality.


Q: How can I make an unattended intsllation package?


A: To make an unattended installation of timetophoto just create .BAT file with lines:

start /wait timetophoto.exe /VERYSILENT /SP-
"%PROGRAMFILES%\timetophoto\timetophoto.exe" QUIETREGISTER XXXXX-XXXXX....-XXXXX
Where XXXXX-XXXXX....-XXXXX is your multi-user license key and timetophoto.exe on the first line is the standard TimeToPhoto distributive.


[back to top] Last updated 12/03/2025 14:00
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