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Task configuration

To create new task you can use "New" button of main menu. Then New Task Wizard window will be displayed.


After you tune all main options of the new task “Edit task window” will be displayed


In this window you can tune all other options of the new task.

Here there are following panels:

·      Source files.

·      Schedule.

·      Saving.

·      Statistics.

·      Performance.

·      Run After/Run before.

·      Conditional execution.

·      External archivers.

·      Upload to FTP.

·      Notifications.

·      Notify before.

For the task you can setup following options:


APBackup assigns Number of the task automatic. This number is used to identification task in log file.


You can write here your comments.

"The task is active" check box

If you clear this check box current task won't be executed automatically according to the schedule. You can run it only manually. To make it executable automatically you should check this box.

"Execute only “To do before / before backup” without backup” check box

Check this box if you want to execute only external applications without archiving. In this case APBackup likes others ordinary schedulers.

"Backup mode" panel

This panel allows you to setup backup modes:

·      “Archive files” - APBackup will archive all source files into one archive. By default it is built-in ZIP archiver (Zip64 compatible). You can choice ANY other external archive if you wish.

·      "Copy files” - APBackup will just copy source files in to destination folder, without archiving them.

·      “Upload to FTP” - APBackup will copy source files to defined FTP Server.

"Kind of backup" panel

This panel allows you to setup following types:

·      Full backup

·      Incremental backup (only new or modified files will be archived).

·      Differential backup

·      Full backup (do not clear source archive attribute)


If archive with the same name already exists

This tab tells the application what to do if an archive with the same name already exists. This can happen, for example, if Date format is set up with no days or hours.

The following options are available

·      Delete old archive file and create new (default) - old file in Archive folder with the same name will be deleted, and new archive will be created

·      Synchronize

·      Execute the following actions:

·  Update old archive file

·  Add new files to the archive

·  Refresh files in the archive


Show this task in the APBackup Quick Run submenu


If this flag is set on you can see this task in the APBackup Quick Run submenu. When you click on the task label in this submenu the task starts.



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